INDI Server is a bundle of all INDI-related binaries with easy-to-use GUI. It is distributed as a native application and can be installed or removed by simple drag-and-drop.
INDI is an instrument-neutral distributed-interface control protocol that aims to provide backend driver support and automation for a wide range of astronomical devices (telescopes, focusers, CCDs, etc.). It is an open-source project released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) and available from It is available as a binary package for all major Linux distributions and can be built on OS X as well.
This binary package is based on INDI 1.0.0 r2219 and contains also all OS X compatible 3rd-party drivers, including closed source ATIK CCDs, filter wheels, and FCUSB from Shoestring Astronomy. INDI Server now uses Bonjour to allow automatic discovery by INDI clients.
INDI Control Panel can be used as a generic client for INDI Server. It is also automatically discovered by applications such as AstroImager and AstroTelescope.